“Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.”
~ John F. Kennedy
Desk jobs are increasingly more common, and with emails and texting and FaceTime, the need to actually get up every once in a while is demising as well. Furthermore, research suggests that the recommended 30-minutes of cardio 5 times a week is not going to undo the damage done by glueing your bum to a swivel chair all day. It seems that humans are just not meant to sit all day.
Luckily, this problem has not gone unnoticed, and there are steps being taken by many corporations to keep employees moving around throughout the workday. Experts are coming up with simple exercises that can be incorporated into the tight quarters of a cubicle and in between printing jobs. For example, the Washington Post teamed up with nutritionists and physiologists to develop some simple routines and even created printable posters to educate and encourage you. For more information, click here.
These are some our favorites, but this list by no means exhaustive. There are many more ways to stay active in between creating powerpoint slides! We also encourage plain-old walking (10 minutes) and taking the stairs when possible.
While marching in place, push toward the ceiling with your palms up and thumbs almost touching your shoulders. Make it harder by holding water bottles.
Bend arms at the elbow. Bring one foot up toward your rear end while straightening your arms so that your hands are down when your foot is up.
Place hands on edge of desk, shoulder width apart, legs out behind you. Push off with as much force as you can.
Disclaimer: Be mindful of your physical abilities and medical conditions. Be physically active at your own pace and respect your body's limitations. The Raeda Group, PLLC provides these tips only as suggestions for a healthier body.