“Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.”
~ John F. Kennedy
Image by Mangala Yoga
While this Texas winter has been a little less wintery than expected, it's still a far cry from the sweltering heat of Austin TX in mid-July. While hot whether has been shown to make one more irritable, colder whether comes with its own set of problems. Due to chilly weather, less sunshine, and common seasonal illnesses, many find that they spend far more time in doors during the winter months. Pair this with potentially holiday stress and shortbread cookies peeking their buttery heads around every corner, and its easy to see why so many struggle with emotional and physical lethargy.
We suggest treating yourself to a hot yoga class to warm yourself up, get those endorphins pumping, and fight off that holiday weight gain. Yoga has been extensively studied over the past few decades with very promising results. Hot yoga specifically has been shown to help one control their breathing, decrease ones stress response (and ones overall anxiety levels), and to help detoxify the body through promoting sweating. Also, it can also offer a caring environment if classes are regularly attended.
If you are interested in trying hot yoga, Austin has several locations at which you can find classes.