“Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.”
~ John F. Kennedy
Image by Historic Dodgertown
Just Keep Swimming...
Sometimes cool weather can be roadblock in the way of a satisfying workout. Your joints hurt, your head is stuffy, and it's sort of cold outside. Thank goodness for indoor pools. Swimming, especially in the winter, is a refreshing way to mix up your workout regimen. It's a low impact sport that is kind to your joints gets you out of your 3 layers of sweaters. Plus, it is an incredible way to tone muscles and burn twice the calories as jogging.
If you are interested in a beginner level workout, check out this one on gethealthyu.com, or if you are interested in any level of lessons, click here.
Disclaimer: Be mindful of your physical abilities and medical conditions. Be physically active at your own pace and respect your body's limitations. The Raeda Group, PLLC provides these tips only as suggestions for a healthier body.