“Surrender to what is. Let go of what was. Have faith in what will be.”
~ Sonia Ricotti
Sounds and Thoughts Meditation
by Danny Penman
Find a sitting position, in which the spine can be self-supporting, with your back straight but not stiff.
1. Sit with your shoulders relaxed, head and neck balanced and chin tucked slightly in.
2. Bring your attention to the movements of the breath in the body for a few minutes, until you feel reasonably settled.
3. Now, when you are ready, allow the focus of your attention to shift from the sensation of breathing to hearing – open to sounds as they arise. There is no need to go searching for sounds or listening out for particular sounds. Instead, as best you can, simply remain open, so that you are receptive to awareness of sounds from all directions as they arise. You may even notice any spaces between sounds – moments of relative quiet.
4. As best you can, be aware of sounds simply as sounds, as raw sensations, without labeling them.
5. You may find that you are thinking about the sounds. See if it is possible to reconnect with direct awareness of their sensory qualities (patterns of pitch, timbre, loudness and duration), rather than their meanings, implications or stories about them.
6. Whenever you notice that your awareness is no longer focused on sounds, gently acknowledge where the mind has moved to and refocus on the sound.
7. Then, after you have been focusing on sounds for four or five minutes, let go of your awareness of sounds and return to the present moment.